Name: Adam McDade
Contribution: Artist of Issue One front cover
Location: Sunderland, UK
Bio: North-East based illustrator setting out to question the application of the discipline to a context outside the commercial, aiming to initiate the conception of illustration as an agent of social and spiritual progression and as a tool of cultural curation, building on the perception of the discipline in the field of design. His current work is inspired by reflections on the human animal in the semantic brain-washing machine that is the contemporary Western cultural paradigm.
Links: adammcdade.weebly.com | adammcdadeillustration.wordpress.com

Name: Jon Sindell
Contribution: Author of "Dhoti" short story in Issue One
Location: San Francisco, California, United States
Bio: Jon Sindell is a humanities tutor and a writing coach for business professionals. His short fiction has appeared in dozens of publications, including Connotation Press, Pithead Chapel, Word Riot, MadHat Lit, Prick of the Spindle, Hobart, New South, The Mojave River Review, and Weave. He curates the Rolling Writers reading series in San Francisco, and practiced law once't.
Links: @JonSindell | Facebook: Jon Sindell

Name: Alex Ingle
Contribution: Photographer for "Dhoti" in Issue One
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Bio: In 1989, at the age of five, Alex began experimenting with his first film camera - an Olympus OM1 belonging to his father. After humble beginnings, photography rapidly became an outlet for his creativity. Alex has since worked and travelled worldwide, from Greenland to New Zealand, and now splits his time between Krakow and Edinburgh. Entirely self-taught, his distinctive style has earned him recognition in numerous international publications and has led to a string of solo-exhibitions.
Links: www.alexingle.com | @alexinglephoto

Name: Annette Ryder
Contribution: Artist for "Oceansong" in Issue One
Location: S.E. Spain
Bio: Born into a musical family in Weymouth in Southern England, her first passion was dancing. She qualified as a teacher in 1973 and spent all her working life inspiring the next generation to become creative individuals. She studied Art and Design/Textiles as a mature student and reconnected with writing when she moved to the Devon coast. Now living in Spain she continues to inspire other ex pats through her creative teaching.

Name: Samuel Best
Contribution: Author of "Oceansong" short story in Issue One
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Bio: Samuel Best has been published in magazines in Britain, North America, and Scandinavia, and his debut novel Shop Front was published by Fledgling Press in March 2014. He helps run Octavius, a literary magazine for students in Scotland.
Links: samuelbest.weebly.com | @spbbest

Name: Rob Walton
Contribution: Author of "Branching Out" poem in Issue One
Location: North Shields, UK
Bio: Rob Walton was born in Scunthorpe, and lives in North Shields with his family. Short stories have appeared in Iron Press, Red Squirrel, New Writing North, Arachne, Askance and Shelter anthologies. Flash fictions have appeared online. Published in the Hull Daily Mail, Scunthorpe United's programme, and various education magazines and books. He has written for performance, and wrote the text for the New Hartley Memorial Pathway. He recently started writing poetry.
Links: @anicelad | linesofdesire.co.uk/projects

Name: E L Appleby
Contribution: Author of "Crik Crak" short story in Issue One
Location: Essex, England
Bio: E L Appleby spent most of her childhood writing, but gave it up when she was twenty to pursue a career as a grown up. When she realised that being a grown up wasn't as thrilling as she'd been led to believe, she let the stories back in. She writes flash fiction and short stories, mostly humorous, sometimes not, often with a sprinkling of surreality. She also makes prawns out of bendy drinking straws.

Name: Kirsty Greenwood
Contribution: Artist for "Crik Crak" in Issue One
Location: Harrogate, North Yorkshire, UK
Bio: With the advantage of an illustrative mind-set, Kirsty is motivated by ephemeral visual misunderstanding, transient half-light, ocular strangeness, nightmares, dreams and fleeting glimpses of unreality. Inspired by Faerie tales, myths, ailuroanthropy, science, Alice-syndrome and transformation, childhood memories, naiveté, music, antique cultures, Quixotism and true romanticism; her idiosyncratic work often has its roots in dreamlike non-realities to create Art contained by the renovating of influences and ideas into images which often convey feelings of otherworldliness.

Name: Michael Leath
Contribution: Author of "A Missive, With Love" short story in Issue One
Location: Dallas, Texas
Bio: Meandered through school, then went to war. Majored in skipping classes in college. Raised a family, and put my son through university. Found writing late in life. Went to Hollywood, screenplay in hand. They said it sucked. Gave up writing. Depression ensued. Found prose. Located happiness. You judge if Tinseltown was right.
Links: www.MichaelLeath.com | @MichaelLeath2

Name: Sarah Dayan
Contribution: Hand lettering for "A Missive, With Love" in Issue One
Location: Paris, France
Bio: Daughter of a painter mother, Sarah Dayan has been drawing since she was a little girl. She discovered computer graphics when she was a teenager, graduated in visual communication and became a webdesigner. She quickly missed drawing and decided to get back to it. This is how she discovered handlettering and immediately fell in love. She's been doing it with passion ever since.
Link: www.sarahdayan.com

Name: Jane Roberts
Contribution: Author of "Wash Days Are Saturdays" flash fiction in Issue One.
Location: South Shropshire, UK
Bio: Wash Days Are Saturdays (Fish Publishing Flash Fiction Award Long-listed 2013) Publications and listings include: "Subtext" (2009), "100 Stories for Haiti" (2010),"New Sun Rising: Stories for Japan" (2012), "Dark Clouds by Collective Unconscious" (2013), and "Stories for Homes" anthology in aid of Shelter (2013). Long-listed for Fish Publishing Flash Fiction 2013, Shortlisted for Bridport Prize Flash 2013, Winner of Writers and Artists Flash Fiction 2013. Up-coming work in Bare Fiction Magazine (Issue 3).

Name: Vish Amarasinghe
Contribution: Author of "Pristine" poem in Issue One
Location: Aberystwyth, Wales
Bio: Grew up reading whatever books he could lay his hands on. His gravitation towards poetry began with song-writing, and the setting of words to music. He lives in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, and is in his final months of study at the University of Aberystwyth.
Link: @DishyVishy

Name: Mike Sheedy
Contribution: Writer of "The Interrogation Room" short story in Issue One
Location: Under the X in Texas
Bio: Mike Sheedy's stories have appeared in various magazines. His novel The Living, the Dead, and the Double-Dead and his story collection Now is th Tim can be found at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Contact him at michael @ moment.net.

Name: Andrea Tuckerman
Contribution: Author of "Buried Alive" short story in Issue One
Location: Ilkley, West Yorkshire, UK
Bio: I am what we Scots would call a 'blethering skate'. I love stories, both real and imagined and have recently become obsessed with writing them down.
I'm a journalist, and have worked for both national and local newspapers. I now sit on the board of Ilkley Literature Festival in Yorkshire and run the festival review website The Pickled Egg. I have two children, a supportive husband and a faithful dog.
Link: www.pickledegg.info

Name: Francesca Brooks
Contribution: Author of "A History of Love, as I know it" short story in Issue One
Location: London
Bio: Francesca Brooks is a peripatetic writer of short fiction with a passion for travel, books, art, coffee and rocks. She has also written arts and culture pieces for publications including Garageland, Collage Magazine, The Hackney Citizen, Revolver Chile, and Jotta. Francesca is currently studying as a postgraduate student at King's College London, although in a previous life she worked with art galleries, rare book dealers, frozen food companies and even a circus.

Name: Terence Tang
Contribution: Hand lettering for "A History of Love, as I know it" in Issue One
Location: Houston, Texas, USA
Bio: Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Terence discovered a love for art and illustration at a young age with the help of his mother and grandfather. Now, he's a graphic designer and illustrator and enjoys collaborating on creative art projects with his artistic wife, Jen (who painted the watercolour background for this lettering). He loves a sip of good whiskey, the smell of brand new sneakers, and the sound of a nothing-but-net basketball shot.

Name: Andrew Patch
Contribution: Author of "The Courier" flash fiction in Issue One
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Bio: Andrew's flash fiction has featured in, amongst others, With Painted Words, The Were Traveler, and the drabble collection 100 Worlds. His short stories Thirst and Kat's Tale: A Black Cube Short will feature in forthcoming anthologies Happily Never After and Pets Are People Too. His latest project is a sci-fi novel set in 1990s England.
Links: @imageronin | imageronin.wordpress.com

Name: Ness Demaine
Contribution: Author of "Keeper" flash fiction in Issue One
Location: Perth, Australia
Bio: Ness Demaine thinks writing is the hardest thing in the world, but with a dash of discipline, a hefty dose of denial and a splash of wine, she does it anyway. Coming from a background of scriptwriting, she's a fan of witty dialogue and over-the-top explosions. When not bashing her head against her keyboard in despair she enjoys singing to her cat, making piles out of books, and filling her body with coffee.
Link: nescapades.wordpress.com

Name: Daniel Duke
Contribution: Designer & illustrator of "Short Short Stories" spread in Issue One
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Bio: Daniel is a designer and illustrator with a degree in journalism, so print couldn't be closer to his heart. He spent some time in London, designing newspapers but now lives up in sunny Edinburgh, drawing pictures and setting type for a living. He makes music as Daniel & The Lion and sometimes writes articles for glossy mags. He's a fan of good food, good Bourbon and good grammar.
Links: www.danielduke.me | @iamdanduke

Name: Rachael Smart
Contribution: Author of "Salt Spray" short story in Issue One
Location: Nottingham, UK
Bio: Rachael Smart is a social worker from Nottingham with a thing about words. Her short fiction and poetry has appeared in various publications including LITRO, Prole, Cease, Cows, Literary Orphans and is upcoming in Ariadne's Thread. She is hopelessly addicted to the writer's website ABC Tales.com. Rachael recently co-edited My Baby Shot Me Down, a women's anthology, which features ten new writer's work, including some of her own.

Name: Michael Mau
Contribution: Author of "Papa" short story in Issue One
Location: Lexington, KY, USA
Bio: Michael Mau lives and teaches in Kentucky. His work has been published in Mount Hope, HorrorSleazeTrash, AND Ferocious Quarterly as well as the curated collections HerStory, Flash, and Sex. The flash fiction "Uncle Wally in the Omniverse" was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2013. "Greetings from Haiti" was recently picked up by Subtopian. He is working on his second novel while his first searches for representation.

Name: Chris Milam
Contribution: Author of "Plastic Heart" short story in Issue One
Location: Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Bio: Chris Milam was born in Louisville, Kentucky and currently resides in Hamilton, Ohio. He is a lifelong reader with an affinity for the prose of Donald Ray Pollock and Cormac McCarthy. When he's not writing flash fiction, he follows his beloved Washington Nationals. He's still waiting for a World Series title.
Links: wispofsmokemilam.wordpress.com | @Blukris

Name: M J Wolfson
Contribution: Author of "Hello!" short story in Issue One
Location: Northamptonshire, England
Bio: A short-story writer and sometimes playwright with a handful of publication credits. Assistant Editor at Firewords Quarterly, book collector, autograph hunter, part time lion tamer, and full time fantasist. Born in Yorkshire but exiled in Northamptonshire & London, England. Enjoys networking with other writers and avid readers. Feel free to contact me via my website or twitter account.

Name: Sam Kolinski
Contribution: Author of "Inbox (1)" and "Unfolded" poems in Issue One
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Bio: Sam is a 26 year old writer massively indebted to Sam Willetts' first collection New Light for the Old Dark and the letter D. His poems have appeared a handful of art zines and journals. He is currently developing the content for a first chapbook.

Name: Karen Jane Cannon
Contribution: Author of "Channel Swimmer" in Issue One
Location: Somerset, UK
Bio: Karen Jane Cannon's poems have appeared both in print and online. She has an MA in Creative Writing from Bath Spa University. Her novel 'Powder Monkey' was published by Orion in 2003. She is currently putting together her first pamphlet. She lives in Frome, Somerset.

Name: DJ Kelly
Contribution: Author of "Spring Thoughts From Abroad" short story in Issue One
Location: Buckinghamshire, England
Bio: Having taken early retirement from a career which enabled her to live, work and play in a score of countries across four continents, DJ Kelly nowadays spends her free time writing novels, plays and local histories for Titanic Press. Born in Manchester, of Irish parents, she now lives in leafy Buckinghamshire, UK. 'A Wistful Eye', 'Running with Crows' and 'The Chalfonts and Gerrards Cross at War' are amongst her most recent publications.
Link: www.djkelly.co.uk