The nights are drawing in and Winter may be fast approaching, but fear not, there's still some Autumn cheer to enjoy.
Our recommended location for curling up with our latest edition would be next to a roaring log fire with a mug of something hot.
In true Autumnal style, Issue 3 starts with an Autumn Birthday and ends on a Wet Weekend. Yet, it is from the depths of summer that those first pages come Fluttering from the High Spire, and among the crowded, heated streets that one girl goes in search of a Pink Spoon. There's such an eclectic mix of themes in this issue that you're sure to find something that will stay with you for a very long time.

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Firewords is the magazine of fiery fiction & poetry brought to life with visual flair.
- Free worldwide shipping
- 48 pages packed full of new writing and illustration from around the world
- Absolutely no advertising
- Independently produced with love
- Printed on high-quality, uncoated paper for extra touchability
Firewords 3 Contributors:
Click here to learn more about our contributors.
ARTWORK BY Aaron Gilday, Alex Ingle, Hannah Jacobs, Joe Lillington, Jordan Harrison, Katie Ponder, Rose Greenfield, Sarah Dayan
WRITING BY Alison V King, Andrea Glenn, Andrew Mackey, Barry Charman, Benjamin Hobson, Charlie Galbraith, Die Booth, Emma Filtness, Erika Brumett, Glen King, Karl Russell, Laryssa Wirstiuk, Lauren Bell, Lloyd Mills, Louis Rakovich, Mary-Jane Holmes, Mildred Achoch, Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois, Rachael de Moravia, Rachel Stevenson, Romalyn Ante, Sarah Gonnet, Stephen McQuiggan, Tom Ryan